Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Gears of War 3-QR

GoW3Gears of War 3—The final frontier of this exhilarating trilogy.
This will be my first TTR quick review, the game of course is GoW3. When the game is first loaded and connected to Xbox Live the player will be rewarded with in game items for doing certain tasks within the previous two games of the trilogy, for example the Chrome Lancer— after the bonus unlocks are over you have a standard yet rugged feeling menu with the typical selections, Campaign, Multiplayer, etc. But now we come to a little extra feature that you don’t see too often in other games, the folks over at EPIC put in a short video to help catch up on the previous events of Gears 1 and 2 (it really is a short video, I still recommend playing the first two games, or reading the books, as the video just doesn’t do the series justice) but this game is still a must for anyone who is the correct age and maturity. This is the end of the Gears of War 3 Quick Review.
This has been a Quick Review by TTR Tech Twista Reviews
The image used is from :

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