Saturday, October 1, 2011

Battlefield 3–Open Beta Prelude

Battlefield 3 the long awaited true sequel to the series is almost among us, but the beta is here at last. I will be discussing the Xbox 360 version.          
Operation Métro is the map or “battlefield'” selected by EA and DICE for players of the open beta. The locale is in Paris, France—with the Eiffel Tower in the distance, sadly not accessible, but who knows maybe a map in the full release will—anyway the map is a mix of mid-range, long distance combat and CQB(Close quarters combat) areas. The only game mode given is Rush. Both teams, the attackers and defenders start off on opposite sides of a fairly large urban park with a small manmade lake with an island situated in the center,  if the Attackers manage to destroy both communications stations a scripted event takes place and the Metro subway system is blown open. The next two sets of comm. stations are technically in the subway, with the first set actually on the subway platform and the other set being up at surface level at the ticket booth. Finally the fourth and final set of objectives are back outside in an urban environment(be careful after 20 minutes of fighting under ground it is really bright on the surface!). Once outside two 3-story apartments come into view which gives both sides of the fray a huge sightline advantage of the A and B bomb sites, that is if the attackers make it this far. 

Stages of progression on Operation Métro: 

1. Park Surface


2. Subway tunnels and platform


3. Surface inside subway ticket centre


4. Urban area outside of the station

So far so good in my opinion, mind you the beta is how the game was about 4-6 months ago so anything you see in the beta that is wrong will be fixed by now, think of it as a short trip to the past, also there could be new features added or some taken away. You will have to wait and see.

Note: Screenshots are from Battlfield 3 on PC Images by VR-ZoNE TECHNOLOGY BEATS by TeamVR

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